Friday, January 18, 2008

Life around here

Just some images from the past few days. We've been very busy and the weather has not been the best this week. I had to do snapshots indoors for the most part. I am finding the image a day challenge to be more difficult than I had thought it would be. My kids don't want to cooperate, or I won't have enough time to put a lot of thought into an image. Hopefully I will get a burst of creative energy soon. For now, here is what I came up with. :)

Katie and her buddy

best buds

Watching Cars on the television.

Me & my girl in the bathroom mirror


Katie & Issie

Katie & Issie

phone home


Monday, January 14, 2008

Katie's little friend

This little one moves quickly. I want to have a real session with her soon because she is so cute! For now though just a few snaps on the fly. A few before Christmas and a few from today.

angel baby

What a smile.


Katie teaching her how to be a princess. Apparently it is all in how you wear the tiara.

this is how you become a princess

princess dreams

Bundled up outside.

bundled up

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A few mug shots

Having a great time with this challenge. For today's entertainment, a few mug shots.

shampoo hawk

photographer's child syndrome

ice cream face

backlit katie

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More of everyday stuff

I have been taking a lot of photos lately. The 366 challenge has been good for me.

Here's some from the last few days.

big hugs

my girl

cowgirl katie




Monday, January 07, 2008

The 366 Challenge

I am doing a photography project called the 366 challenge. It's an image a day for the year (this is a leap year). I like this because it means I need to stretch myself and get the camera out everyday instead of letting it sit for two weeks. It also meas that I will have plenty of pics of my children, well if they cooperate that is.

We have had fantastic weather here (for January) the past couple of days. Lots of outdoor play thank goodness. We love being outside.

flukily warm january day

Scooter Girl

Dylan on his miniracer

Katie at her happiest, eating candy.

I work for candy

Friday, January 04, 2008

Two for today

I got a new lens and made Dylan go outside in the freezing cold to let me practice. He so did not want to do that. I caught him mide sentence here saying "Just one Mom." Usually I can convince him to let me do a few more, but he put his foot down today by running back in the house. LOL I am sure I will have more to ost with the new lens after the weekend.


Here is on of my two little girls. Awwww!

chilling old skool

One of Miss Katie

I am attempting to do the photo a day for a year challenge. I am starting on day 3. I hope to be able to keep up with it.

Here is my first image.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Birthday and New Pup

I have been battling a horrible cold and cough this holiday season. It's been tough because of all the activity (ie lack of sleep). I *think* that I am finally on the mend. I did not take many photos at all of Christmas. The kids got up before the sun came out and I was lucky that I was able to make it from the bedroom to the living room for the festivities.

Katie turned 4 and we had a little party at the house for her. Princess theme of course. I can't believe my baby is 4. Waaaaaah!

Here is one of the very few pics I took. She was in her glory with the candy, cake and all the kids to play with.

Happy 4th Birthday Princess Katie!

Dylan got a new puppy for Christmas. Her name is Jazzy and she is now 12 weeks old. She is an Australian Shepherd. Isn't she adorable?


Happy New Year Everyone!!! May 2008 bring great health, happiness, and love. :)