Friday, June 15, 2007

My kids are gowing up before my eyes

and it's bittersweet. :) :(

I Hope You Dance ~
Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance..
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone)

A self portrait. I do not enjoy being in front of the camera. Could be why you always find me on the opposite side. I took this one last weekend and I think it reveals a lot about me. If you know me you might agree.

just me

Now onto the cute stuff!

That missing tooth is just now breaking the skin.

I think Katie looks so grown up here.


froggy boots

White belt, one stripe


Both kids had their graduation ceremony on the same day. I was able to be at Dylan's for the beginning but then had to leave to attend Katie's. I am sure this is just the beginning of schedule conflicts.

The kindergarten classes each did a group dance. Dyaln's group did the Mexican Hat Dance. It was absolutely adorable.





Here is my big girl graduating from the 2.5 year old class. She was so proud of herself and enjoyed the ceremony almost as much as the donuts they served afterwards.



Sunday, June 03, 2007

Just my kids

Enjoying the warm weather and having fun. :)



kick it

why is katie jumping?

happiness is pink gum