Monday, April 30, 2007

Sweet Baby Gavin, 11 days old

I had the honor of photographing this gorgeous new baby. It was so much fun.


sweet dreams

the sweetest thing

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Soccer, bushido, swimming, life, etc. The kids have a lot of activities which is great for them and I'm excited to have them busy after the long winter.

My big news is that I attended a photo workshop this past weekend. It was my first time way from the children. I learned a lot and had a fabulous time hanging out with other photographers. It was absolutely brilliant and I feel so amped up about photography.

I'll start with some images from the workshop. They hired models for us to shoot.

I will post more when I edit them.

urban girl

And a few of Miss Katie



no witty title

princess forsythia

And one of Dylan. Lucky for him he is in school all day when I have my camera out. :)


Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter, Spring and a Birthday

Lots to catch up on. First, an early Happy Easter!


happy easter

We've had a few spring days interspersed among many cold days. It was actually snowing this morning and the near future promises more of the same. I am looking forward to the warmer weather sticking around for a while. I'm sure soon I will be complaining about how hot it is.

Enjoying the weather.






Super Katie in a Tree

Seriously Dylan

I'd rather be at school


if looks could kill

Still waiting for that tooth to grow in :)

More b&w practice

Katie & Issie

Happy Birthday to me! We went out to a Japanese Steakhouse. The kids enjoyed the hibatchi, both the food and the entertainment. It was a great time.

38 on me

that's hot


Katie picked up the umbrella and sang rain, rain go away.

rain, rain go away!

The Banzai Birthday Surprise, obviously my mom thought this was funny.

Banzai Birthday Surprise