Monday, April 10, 2006

The town's annual Easter festivities

We met up with some friends this morning at the park adjacent to the community field where the annual Easter Festivies were being held. At 12:30 we headed down to meet the mobs of people there. Of course it was the worst time of the day in an open field for photos, but I won't be suing the town. ;) I'm actually not going to complain about how harsh the sun was because after yesterday's rain and snow, it was a beautiful sight.

First up was the so-called Easter Egg Hunt for the under three set. Katie had the cutest little basket that her grandmother sent her. She calls her it her purse. The organizers had scattered plastic eggs all over the field while the participants waited behind a rope until they said "go". Well the time came and they called "Go" and I could barely believe my eyes. It was a sick display of greed indeed. Poor Katie didn't get any eggs at all, but at least she didn't get mowed down by the parents practically falling over one another to scoop up the eggs. The madness was over in less than one minute.

I asked the organizers if we could get an egg since Katie didn't get one and they reluctantly handed one over. Sheesh! Who knew egg hunting was such a blood sport?

Katie didn't know the difference. She was quite content playing with her "purse", eating her lollipop, and running around.

I did however tell Dylan to run like the wind and not look back when the 4-5 year olds were up.

Next Dylan and Sara had their photo taken with the Easter bunny. This one wasn't quite as creepy as the one at the mall who wears a vest, but Katie still didn't want to get too close.

They had a lovely petting zoo for the kids that mine both enjoyed.

All in all it was a fun time, especially for the kids.


Blogger Jeremi said...

We've tried that kind of easter egg hunt before too and it was over in .5 seconds with the same results! Geez, can't the parents let the kids get their own eggs!
Great pictures, BTW!

11:15 AM  

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